Brookie and I met at Family Bowling in Pearl, Mississippi, specifically at the snack bar. There was a large group of friends from Pinelake that decided to get together for a night of bowling. A friend and I went to get a bottle of water, and Brookie just happened to get thirsty at this very same time even though he had just visited the snack bar for a drink 15 minutes earlier. He had noticed my excellent bowling skills earlier in the night, though he really just thought I was hot (he's helping me write this post).

We introduced ourselves and then we didn't speak to each other for the rest of the night at the lanes. Then we all decided to go to a friend's house and order pizza. Somehow or another we both ended up next to the pizza and chatted for a few minutes. Right before he left, my friend suggested that I invite Brookie the next night to another friend's house for a strange night night of karaoke. He asked for someone's number to call the next night. Of course, I volunteered mine. After I gave him my number, I made sure to ask, "Do you even know my name?" The sad thing is he shook his head no. A few days later he text me out on our first date and I responded- Sounds good. A year later....we've been married for three months.
Finally, a post I can follow!!I don't think I had heard the entire story, but always knew you two were pretty swift. How sweet, and how blessed our family is to have Brookie, too.
the purpose of a blog is to "blog," any chance that might be happening soon?
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